iScrollr is an iPhone / iPod Touch application that lets you display a scrolling message. The text is large, can be displayed in a variety of colours and backgrounds. There are nine messages that can be preset and the ticker speed can also be adjusted


A2: Exit iScrollr and go to "Settings" -> "iScrollr" to change text colour and scroll speed. In version 2.0 presets messages can be edited in the app without exiting to the iPhone's general settings page.
A3: When iScrollr starts up, the first preset is displayed by default. Simply touch the screen to be presented with a table of the other available messages.
A4: There are lots of ways! Write a review on iTunes, tell your friends (maybe via Facebook) send us suggestions for improvement... Ideas for other iPhone applications are also welcome.

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An Apple iPhone /iPad or iPod Touch

Version 2.0 (released 11/11/2010)

  • Unlimited preset messages.

Version 1.0 (released 07/11/2008)

  • Nine messages can be preset.
  • Messages in any iPhone supported language can be shown.
  • A variety of text and background colors can be chosen.
  • The ticker speed can be adjusted from very slow to very fast.
  • Short messages that fit on screen stay still and do not scroll.
  • A vibration alert tells users when the message has finished panning across. (iPhone only.)